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Avara’s DynaFlex product family is a flexible, fully featured, multiservice access platform with powerful cross connect and protection capabilities that is fully interoperable and compatible with the Nokia Dynanet product.
DynaFlex offers a broad range of hot pluggable channel cards to complement a range of physical interfaces to seamlessly support operational networks.
The Avara DynaFlex FXO/FXS Subscriber and VF units provide a variety of voice grade communications interfaces for the DynaFlex Multiservice Access platform. They support FXS, FXO and Voice Frequency interfaces with E&M signaling.
The data interface units provide serial data communications interfaces for the DynaFlex Multiservice Access platform. It supports frequently used interface standards including C37.94, V.11, V.24/V.28, RS232, X.21, V.35, G.703/64K, Ethernet and SHDSL
FXS to SIP conversion application:
DynaFlex typical application:
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